What makes hypervisors weak?

Hypervisors have changed the game of cybersecurity. They provide unmatched cyber protection for your data as they keep it in the cloud. However, hypervisors still have vulnerabilities that hackers can exploit. Find out how their weak points can be addressed. A hypervisor is a software application that distributes computing resources (e.g., processing power, RAM, storage) […]

How to set up your G Suite dashboard

G Suite is Google’s all-in-one computing, productivity, and collaboration tool. It comprises of Gmail, Hangouts, Calendar, Google+, Docs, Sheets, and more, allowing for better collaboration, data sharing, and work efficiency. Here’s how to configure it. Allow display views inside and outside your business Activity dashboards typically provide limited details on file activity that one can […]

VoIP hardphones or softphones for SMBs?

Your company has decided to avail of Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and has given you the task of choosing between the two types of phones: traditional desk phones (hardphones) or software-based phones (softphones). To help you decide, we’ll break down the benefits of each type. What’s a hardphone? A hardphone is a desk phone […]

Make the most out of your O365 subscription

It may seem as if Office 365 is merely Microsoft’s way of joining the online subscription bandwagon, but that’s not the case. O365 is Microsoft’s way of upgrading its ubiquitous Office suite by augmenting it with cloud features. Office apps and the files you create with them are accessible wherever there’s an internet connection, but […]

How Windows 10 features keep ransomware at bay

The ransomware threat isn’t going away anytime soon, which is bad news for computer users everywhere. Fortunately, Windows 10 has built-in security features to keep you from falling victim to ransomware. Controlled Folder Access This feature allows you to list certain documents and folders as “protected.” Only whitelisted programs can access and edit these folders, […]

Tips to monitor employee activities online

There are a lot of pros and cons when it comes to monitoring your employees online. We’ve put together an honest and transparent list of arguments for and against this practice. And if you decide it is something you want to pursue, we’ve provided some tips for a smooth implementation process. The case for monitoring […]

How to boost your SMB’s social media presence

Small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) nowadays are more competitive than ever. As an SMB owner, you’re probably constantly looking for ways to boost your social media presence, outdo your competitors, and increase profits. Here are some ways to do that. Create buyer personas Social media data is a great tool to gather information about your […]

Are Macs vulnerable to viruses?

It is common knowledge that Windows computers tend to deal with an assortment of viruses and malware, but many people fail to realize that even Macs face similar threats. Virus creators have become adept at finding back doors and other vulnerabilities, that even Macs can be targeted. Viruses that affect Macs There are four general […]

An SMB’s IT hardware checklist

Imagine going back to the office after a long vacation, only to be greeted by a messy workstation. Frustrating, isn’t it? If your enterprise wants to start a new year working with clean, organized technology, this IT hardware checklist is just what you need. ✓ Clean up your computer components Wipe your monitor with clean, […]

Best Chrome extensions to install

Google Chrome is fast, clean, and versatile. It delivers a great browsing experience to users, so it’s no surprise that it has the widest user base out of all web browsers. It’s also expandable and customizable, thanks to the thousands of extensions available at the Chrome Web Store. It can be quite taxing to sort […]